TBT: Summertime Camping.


We got our beloved RV “Fred” when I was in second? third? grade and every summer (and some winter and spring) break we would go on a big camping trip. These are some of the memories I look fondly back at and appreciate that my parents were able to do this for my brother and I, we saw the whole western United States with Fred and we all have stories from our crazy adventures.


Lovingly improvised rain coats.


Just chillen on a Glacier at Glacier National Park in Montana.


Swimming in the Colorado River…we had a no go zone in this cove because my mom was worried that we were going to get swept away by the huge river behind us.


Hiking Devils Postpile in California and looking for dolphins on the Ferry in Seattle.

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Catching a stagecoach in Tombstone, AZ.


Visiting Mesa Verde in Colorado.


It looks like I’m getting blown away but I’m actually pointing at Mt. Whitney in California.

TBT: Six Years of January 13th.

I have been documenting my life in photographs ever since I can remember, I always had some kind of camera.

When I was really young I had multiple grocery store disposable cameras to photograph my sweet mountain scenes (a white blanket draped over my dresser) with my toy horses or my heap of Barbie stuff. Later on I had a less disposable battery operated film camera to photograph the clothes in my closet…but mostly just to take pictures of myself. By middle school we finally got a 3.2 mega pixel (your phone has more mega pixels today) digital camera which I would commandeer and take pictures at sleepovers or Disneyland. I finally got my own digital camera when I was 16 and oh the adventures we had…I now have an unhealthy amount of cameras and I continue to document my life (and now I share it on the internet).

Since I have been documenting my entire life I have all of these unseen pictures that live in the form of prints, floppy disks (so lost forever), CDs, DVDs, and an enormous mass of data on a few external hard drives…so I decided to unearth some of those pictures and share them in the form of this post and most likely future posts.

For this post I focused on January 13th. I only went back to 2008 for a two reasons:
1. My current level of organization was non-existent before 2007 (and I couldn’t handle it) and
2. Some of the pictures are crazy embarrassing…or really boring (I liked to document EVERYTHING).

So without further ado I present to you six years of January 13th.


January 13, 2008: I was running around the Redwood Forests of Humboldt County enjoying my second semester of my freshman year of College.

January 2008 (1)

January 2008 (2)


January 13 2009: I was backpacking Europe for the first time and I was busy falling in love with Amsterdam.

Jan 13 2009 (2)

Jan 13 2009 (1)


January 13 2010: I was camping in Joshua Tree with my family and photographing the stars.

January 13 2010 (2)

January 13 2010 (1)


January 13 2011: I was enjoying  the cold sunshine of my beloved German University town, Tübingen.

January 13 2011 (2)



January 13 2012: I was starting my final semester of College by running a training retreat for the Program Directors at the Y.E.S. House

IMG_1517January 2012 (1)


January 13, 2013: I was handing out free juice in the cold Pasadena sunshine.



Here is to the next six years!