Snapshots: Yard Sale.


This past weekend my boyfriend and I had a successful two-day yard sale in our front yard. It was hot and sweaty and I am still suffering from my grass allergies but I am glad we did it. We had all kinds of help from my parents on the the first day, my mom was recruited and was gently forced to stay and keep me safe. The second day Ben’s Mom and brother came and helped us out all day .

This yard sale was a little bittersweet because I sold/donated ALL of the inventory from my now shuttered online thrift store: Notnu. It was a little sad to see my carefully curated store selection go in a fire sale but it was also nice to move forward and free up all that space.



She’s a terrible negotiator.




All the unsold clothes are being donated to Goodwill, Dress For Success, and My Freind’s Place, check them out to see the good work they are doing. Also, consider doing some research about what kind of donations your local shelters and non-profits need instead of just dumping your good stuff off at a for profit thrift store or one of those Dare bins that usually just send the stuff to rag, the landfill or overseas.

Snapshots: My Patio Garden

I have a small out door space between my door and the neighbors window that I have claimed for my little patio garden/jungle/farm. The space is pretty drab but I am trying my hardest to maintain my little garden.


My gramma gave me a watch-cat the last time I was at her house.


Call me Farmer Whitney.


One of my goals this year was to have an herb garden…I am happy to report that I am succeeding in herb gardening.



My tomato plant has quite an abundant harvest coming in but it’s looking a little leggy and sparse in the leaf department.



I have been using this little beaker set for propagating philodendron, basil, and Lantana.


My little Lantana experiment and my successful Basil propagation [Side Note: I am TERRIBLE at keeping Basil alive so I saved this little guy when his little stem started to rot (does this happen to anyone else?) and look at him now!)

Hey Hi Hello…an Update.

Oh hi there, long time no see, I hope you are well, I bet you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to right?

Well wouldn’t you know I’m here to tell you all about it.

At the beginning of May, I officially decided to quit my full time sales job where I was selling furniture and generally just losing pieces of my soul every day. I quit in favor of pursuing a job at an LA based non profit, a job I had only gotten an interview for in my last two weeks of work. Conveniently, I was offered a position as a Special Events Coordinator within a couple of days of being done with my full time job with benefits (…farewell sweet benefits). Since taking this position I have felt so much more joy while I work and it doesn’t feel like work at all (which I’m told is a good sign). Along with this non profit job, I have been working alongside my father working to expand his small business which specializes in professional aerial simulator training for general aviation pilots, you can check it out HERE and HERE if you are interested in learning more.

These pictures are from the past six events I have worked on with my new job where I have both coordinated an entire corporate volunteer event at a school as well as project led in mural painting projects at a dance studio, early education center, and the Boys and Girls Club.













As you can see, my life has been full of paint and I get to interact with new people everyday most of whom are excited to give their time to places that would otherwise not have the time, energy, or funding to do what the volunteers do for them.

If you live in the LA area and you want to get involved in your community I highly recommend checking out the volunteer calendar to see where you can give your time.

Project 365 (22-28)

March 22

(22/365) Walked the dog to In-n-Out and ate in the park because #yolo.

March 23

(23/365) Celebrated my Dad’s birthday by helping him plan out his new business space.

March 24

(24/365) Blue skies for days.

March 25

(25/365) My orchid has come out of hibernation.

March 26

(26/365) This dog, she is majestic.

March 27

(27/365) Mr. Octopus has become a pentapus. (I swear I vacuumed the day before this picture)

March 28

(28/365) My neighbors are moving…so of course they give us a going away gift.

Places I’ve Been: Ireland.

Ireland (Éire)
April 2011

In April 2011, I met my friend Kailey in Dublin, Ireland. I had only been at the hostel (after getting lost and taking bad directions from some random guy on the street) for a an hour or so before we (Kailey had some options) started planning out our Ireland adventure. We settled on a bus tour from Dublin to Galway. It was a wonderfully sunny couple of days and all of the pale red headed people were out en masse with ALL of the SPF.

Ireland (1)


Every mile or so there is an old stone castle circa: a long time ago.

Ireland (2)

I fed a lamb.

Ireland (3)

Ireland (5)


Ireland (7)

Ireland (8)

Stone walls everywhere.

Ireland (9)

Poulnabrone Dolmen Megalithic Tomb.

Ireland (10)

Majestic Cliffs of Moher.

Ireland (11)

A castle and Dublin.

Ireland (12)


Ireland (13)


Ireland (14)


Ireland (15)

Kailey and I avoided the fee to go inside Christ Church Cathedral by attending Mass.

365 Project (15-21)

March 15

(15/365) I can’t even handle how much I love this creature.

March 16

(16/365) My life is now full of walks…and poopy bags.

March 17

(17/365) I wore leopard on St. Patrick’s Day and played with the self timer on my camera.

March 18

(18/365) Parking Garage Sunsets.

March 19

(19/365) I discovered this Little Free Library on one of my walks today.

March 20

(20/365) Making coffee and playing with my new camera remote.

March 21

(21/365) Lunchtime Views.

365 Project (8-14)

What a week.

March 8

(8/365) I discovered little white mites on my mint. (It was a slow day)

March 9

(9/365) Baby tomaters.

March 10

(10/365) I finally deemed to too hot to keep these white beasts contained in black tights.

March 11

(11/365) Lunchtime Life Homework.

March 12

(12/365) I GOT A DOG!!!!!

March 13

(13/365) The 47lb majestic muscle with 470,000 miles of tongue is named Luna….as in Luna Lovegood (sorry I’m not sorry)

March 14

(14/365) A very slobbery Mr. Octopus came in for surgery…the poor guy didn’t even stand a chance.

Life: 10 Things About Me


1. I am weirdly good at those Magic Eye Puzzles…I can see the picture in 5 seconds flat…be impressed.
(I’m not sure why I feel like I needed to start the list with this one but I’m very proud of this one.)

2. I’m a very picky (lacto-ovo-pescatarian) vegetarian.
Carrots: Nope, Oranges: Bleh, Pears: Wet Sand, Tofu: Dirty Sponge, Celery: No Thanks, Chocolate: I thought you’d never ask.

3. I’m a one trick pony when it comes to make up: winged liner, mascara, eye shadow for setting the liner…done.

4. I drive in silence 100% of the time (aside from my road rage)…mostly because my radio was stolen out of my car 7ish years ago and I’m tired of setting up radio alternatives.

5. It took me an entire summer and probably 1000000 hours of the Multiplication Schoolhouse Rock Episode (yes that’s the full episode) to learn my multiplication tables…and my memory for them is still pretty bad.

6. Organizing things is how I deal with stress.

7. I lived in Germany for one very magical year.

8. I have two Bachelors Degrees, one in German and the other in International Studies but currently I sell furniture…go figure.

9. I collect: vintage cameras, vintage tins, maps, impractical shoes, sparkly things and narwhal ornaments.

10. I am happy.