Snapshots: Scratch Map.


I have been wanting a scratch map (buy yourself one here) for a long time now and last week I finally purchased one. I was super excited to scratch off all of the places I have been because I have traveled to (what I thought was ) many places…but seeing the fruits of my scratching really humbled me and helped me realize that I have SO MUCH MORE of the world to see.







Now I have the travel bug like you would not believe!

December Wish List | Dezember Wunschliste

Decmeber Wish list

Wishlist Links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

We are already three days into December and I love it. Even though I am not the biggest fan of the cold (I am a Southern California girl through and through) I love December. I love the feeling, the clean air, and mostly twinkle lights.

My wishlist is a reflection of the things that I am currently lusting after, those things that are sitting on my Amazon wishlist and my Pinterest wishlist  because I like to go back and visit them.

What’s on your December wishlist?